Writer’s coach Teresa Funke explains what to do with your completed book manuscript, including both traditional and self-publishing choices and some tips on marketing and promotion.
To get more great advice from Teresa, visit teresafunke.com
Writer’s coach Teresa Funke explains what to do with your completed book manuscript, including both traditional and self-publishing choices and some tips on marketing and promotion.
To get more great advice from Teresa, visit teresafunke.com
In this video, our writing coach Teresa Funke walks you through the steps needed to find the perfect agent to represent your work. This video also appeared on our writeforkids.org site, but it’s so good we wanted to make sure Insiders saw it as well. And as a special gift
Writing coach Teresa Funke shares her best tips on dealing with the hardest aspect of being a writer, getting rejections. Download Teresa’s Submissions Tracking Chart to track your rejections and acceptances.
In Part Two of her dialogue tutorial, writing coach Teresa Funke covers the most common dialogue challenges, including using slang and cussing, dialect and accents, inserting humor into the conversation, and linking the dialogue with the character’s movements.