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Create a Query that Gets a “Yes”

We have taken classes on how to write the perfect query letter. We know the ins and outs of crafting that attention-grabbing letter that will snare an editor and/or agent’s question. Or do we?


Do you know how to keep your query letter from being filed in the circular

Social Marketing Made Easy!

Writers know the importance of outlining. A good book starts with a strong outline or plan. But do you know the importance of outlining your social media marketing?

Of course you have a website. You’re on Facebook, you tweet, you blog. You’re familiar with MySpace, YouTube, Tumblr, Linked In, and other social network sites. Do you have a plan to make your efforts work together toward your goal?

Ordinary Characters, Extraordinary Feats

I admit it. I love superheroes. I love their super strength, super powers, super intelligence, and super good looks. However, I don’t write about superheroes. I write about ordinary people doing extraordinary things despite insurmountable odds. Is that not the measure of true greatness?


Connecting with Readers Via Your Own Podcast

Are you like me and need a “Multimedia for Dummies” book?  My children and my grandchildren typically regard me with pity when I ask for help with anything technological,  including working the apps on my new cell phone.

One day I innocently asked, “What is a podcast?”   After an exaggerated

Countdown to Book Launch!

You've sold a book. Congratulations! Your work is done. Right?


Wrong. Your work is just beginning.


Those who have been around in the publishing business long enough remember the old marketing methods. ARCs (Advanced Reading Copies) were mailed to bookstore owners and reviewers. Postcards were sent to a reading list,

Taming the Synopsis

by Jane Choate



Editor’s note: This article explains how to write a longer synopsis for a novel that would accompany the query letter. This synopsis would be up to two pages long, typed single-spaced.


If I ever started a business of writing bumper stickers, my first slogan would be “I Hate Synopses.”


The 5 Minute Writer


Writers have other lives. We must schlep our children to orthodontist appointments, attend Little League games, and make sure the laundry is done. This is often in addition to holding down a full time job that pays the bills. So where does writing fit in?

100 Words a Day for 100 Days

by Jane McBride Choate



Like most writers, I need the association of other writers and belong to several writers’ chapters.  One group issued a challenge of writing a hundred words each day for one hundred days.


When I accepted the challenge, I was dubious.  What could such